Child & Family Therapy

Child and family therapists specialize in working with children and their families. Our psychologists promote coping and resiliency in youth while also assisting parents in understanding, supporting, and guiding their children. Evidence-based psychotherapy is available for a range of matters, including: anxiety, mood, behavior, tantrums, aggression, and difficulty with toileting, sleeping, and/or eating. Parent-child and family relations are fostered within the context of such treatment. Evidence-based treatment modalities include Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT), Parent Management Training, and Family Systems Therapy. Finally, our psychologists treat children with co-occurring medical conditions, including epilepsy, traumatic brain injury, and gastrointestinal disorders, as well as neurodevelopmental and learning disabilities. Our team brings a rich understanding of how to support children and adolescents across school, home, and clinic contexts. We consult with providers across disciplines and settings, creating collaborative relationships between all professionals that work with children and their families.

At The Integrated Clinic, Dr. Lauren Couch, Dr. Matthew Ruderman, and Chelsea Simon provide child and family therapy services.